
About the Blog

After I graduated high school, I moved to a completely new city and ended up having the worst first job hunt ever.  I spent seven months competing with about 800,000 (I'm serious) people for jobs.  I had a nice resume, but no job history so pretty much everyone verbally punched me in the face.  Finally, I got so sick of being bored all the time that I decided the best thing to do would be to start a blog.  Then, I'd have a creative outlet to make myself feel better about being unemployed.

Then, the very next day, I got hired.  I said, "WHOAshit" and ended up juggling school, work, and this blog.  Luckily, I have the weekends off so I can spend my Sundays writing silly stories and drawing even sillier noodle people.

About M.R.Huseby

Now I could write a nice, informative paragraph about myself here. . .or I could just post a series of drawings of ugly faces that my friend Danil and I drew together.  Though, for the sake of being rediculous and trying to be somewhat professional, I'll do both.
I graduated high school long enough ago to be considered an adult by grown-ups but not so long ago that kids think I'm old.  I've been drawing since I could hold a crayon, writing since I could write and I've been reading comics since before I could actually read (my mom read them to me in my crib).
One day I will have a nice job, a nice house, a nice husband and about a billion children.  However, I currently work at a chicken and biscuit place and live with crazy people.  I have a tall, bearded boy-fiance who got me addicted to coffee flavoured energy drinks.
I do happen to have very long hair, an assortment of odd pets, and about 7 years of experience playing the cello.  I like to make costumes and cook fancy meals.
Every night when I get home from work I sit on my couch and watch Criminal Minds because I have no social life and criminal profiling is my new favorite thing (this is outdated but too funny to me to take down).