Sunday, November 14, 2010

My little sister is hilarious.

            I would first like to apologize for not updating last Sunday.  I had a super, super busy week full of lots of work hours and lots of sleep.  Hopefully this post will make up for it :D

            I called my little sister yesterday and confided in her that I didn’t really have anything to write about today.  She suggested the same thing she always suggests and then proceeded to tell me a rather hilarious story of her own.  Suddenly, it occurred to me that I could combine the two into one awesome post all about my bebe seestur.

Amber is absolutely hilarious.  Every story she tells me has me rolling on the floor busting my gut with genuine laughter.  Though, that seems more dangerous that hilarious. . .we’ll say she’s dangerously hilarious.

Sometime during the summer I answered my phone to be greeted by my already laughing sister.  Once she had calmed down, I asked her what was so funny.  She said, “You are not going to believe this. . .” and I knew I would have sore sides after she was done.

Apparently, my mom had bought some delicious, gourmet, chocolate flavoured instant coffee and neglected to tell Amber about it.  When Amber discovered it in the kitchen she read the “chocolate” part of the label, but not the “coffee” part.  She ended up partaking in the “hot chocolate” a lot that day.  So much, in fact, that by bedtime she was bouncing off the walls, shaking violently and in no way ready for bed.  She stayed up all night and played RuneScape.

She was still playing RuneScape when morning came and was so aggravated by her inability to sleep that she went into the kitchen and made herself another mug of hot chocolate.  

The day continued with no sleep and lots of hot chocolate, so naturally she was unable to sleep for yet another night.

Finally, on the third day of extreme lack of sleep, she crashed and slept for a million years.  

She woke up extremely bewildered and unsure of what had happened, so she figured a cup of hot chocolate would clear her thoughts.  However, this time she decided to read the label more carefully since it was the only thing she had done differently in the past couple of days. 

Then, upon discovering that she had been injecting herself with copious amounts of caffeine for the past two days, she burst out laughing and called me.

Another fantastic thing about my sister is that she has the inability to identify animals from a moving vehicle.  It’s hilarious, because half the time we have no earthly idea what she’s talking about.

The kangaroo one is my favorite.  It's not everyday you see a dead kangaroo on the side of the road in the southeastern united states.

My sister is also extremely tall.  I’ll wrap up this post with a size chart comparing me, my sister, my dad and my boyfriend.

            I'm not even all that short.  I'm pretty tall myself :I

And yes, this post was super all over the place.  I just kinda felt like putting as much stuff in here as possible to make up for not updating last Sunday :D  HOORAY FOR SLOPPY OVERACHIEVEMENT. 


relyons13 said...

its funny how you draw your dad.. Amber is crazy! i like the one with RUNESCAPE!!

lydia said...

i love Amber xD